Snake River, Summit County, CO
Integrated Hydro Systems, LLC
Specialization Area - Numerical Modeling

- Groundwater Modeling
- Surface Water Modeling (Hydrologic/Hydraulic)
- Physically-based, Fully Integrated, or Coupled Surface Water-Groundwater Modeling, including:
- Snowmelt
- Evapotranspiration
- Water Quality modeling/Ecological modeling:
- Fully Integrated and Groundwater Contaminant Fate/Transport modeling
- Multiphase Modeling, or Non-Aqueous Phase Liquids (NAPLS) - Lighter and Dense (LNAPLs and DNAPLs)
- Density-Dependent Flow Modeling
- Geochemical modeling
- Heat flow modeling (geothermal)
- 3D Geological modeling

Professor Illangasekare has taught groundwater modeling, including fate/transport and multiphase modeling for many years at CUBoulder and Colorado School of Mines.

RIGHT - The lower Mokolo River supports Hippos.

We can also simulate 3-d geochemical reactions in groundwater using USGS tools like PHAST coupled with PHREEQC, or FEFLOW coupled with PHREEQC.
We also assess model parameter sensitivity and/or model predictive uncertainty (due to uncertain inputs such as conceptualizations, parameters, source areas, release dates, durations and rates etc) manually, or can use tools tools like PEST.

He has also also extensively studied dissolved-phase VOC behavior at NAPL source areas.

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